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Being Uncomfortable With Comfortable

Comfort is indeed the enemy of success, You have to be willing to leave your comfort zone behind in
order to achieve success. Napoleon Hill the author of the world renowned book entitled Think And Grow Rich Said it best: "Every person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to burn his ships and all sources of retreat. Only by doing so can we be sure of maintaining that state of mind known as burning to win, essential to success."

What does comfort do to the man that is lost? He now is hopeless and develops into a man that has lost his way. What does comfort do to the man trying to do something with his life? He develops the hope and pray mentality, which means he hopes to fulfill his destiny while praying something miraculous happens without him developing the need to work hard to get it. What does comfort do to the man trying to pursue his dreams? His dreams now become a fallacy, he often daydreams about the life he wants, being comfortable with the life he has now with no hope for a better one in sight. What does comfort do to the man that is trying to find a wife? His search for the woman and wife of his dreams causes him to choose a woman who does nothing but keep him in the same place he is in right now. What does comfort do to the man that now has a wife and wants to plan a family? His desire to have those children can work but more times than not he realizes because he has been comfortable in all facets of his life. HE CANNOT DO ANYTHING BUT DREAM!

What does being uncomfortable with not fulfilling his dreams do to the man? He develops a sense of urgency, he realizes that today is the day that he gets out of the comfort zone that has entrapped him and does what ever is necessary to fulfill his destiny. What does being uncomfortable do to the man trying to manifest his destiny? He now develops a plan for his life accompanied by a burning desire to achieve whatever is in his plan along with self efficacy that he can do anything that he puts his mind to he can do it. What does being uncomfortable with not having a wife do to the man that yearns to have that special woman in his life? He now gets all his affairs in order, he gets the job or business needed to protect and provide for her, he gets the car, he gets the house, he get attracts the right woman, he gets the ring, and then marries the right woman. What does being uncomfortable with not having children do to the man who now wants children? He finds the wife that shares the same common goal of having children and having a family, he plans for his future as well as their future, working hard to leave an inheritance that will sustain his family long after he departs.

Whats does being uncomfortable with comfortable provide? Being uncomfortable with being comfortable will cause a man to have ambition when there was no ambition to do anything. Being uncomfortable with being comfortable will cause a man to break down those barriers that keep him from manifesting his destiny. Being uncomfortable with comfortable will cause a man to develop a plan that is the blueprint for how he wants to achieve success in his life. Being uncomfortable with being comfortable will cause a man develop the ability to make decisions where indecisiveness reigned supreme. Being uncomfortable with comfortable will cause a man to find his true identity erasing any doubts about who he was not, now letting him know he is on the path to being all he can be. Being uncomfortable with comfortable will cause a man to establish a system of beliefs that are the guiding principles for his life. Being uncomfortable with comfortable will cause a man to find his self respect when there were those who may have tried to tear him down, he now has the intestinal fortitude to withstand anything that means to take away who he is. Being uncomfortable with comfortable will cause a man to find his bliss and live in happiness, free from all the stresses that were present when he resided in his comfort zone.

Finally being uncomfortable with comfortable allows a man to gain his independence along with the understanding on what it means to be truly free. He will now know how to maximize each second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year of his life. He will now what it is to be a man. He will now know what it means to be a husband. He will now know what it means to be a father. He will now know what it means to be protector and provider. He will now be closely connected to the most high. He will now be comfortable with being in his own skin.


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