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Overcoming Personal Fear(s)

A man whose mind is filled with fear, destroys his own chances of intelligent actions! -Napoleon Hill

I want you to for just a moment, close your eyes and think about all the things you wanted to do but did not do because you feared what could happen if you did just that? Think about all the opportunities you let go by the waste side throughout your lifetime because of fear? Now open your eyes, grab a scrap piece of paper and write down all the missed opportunities, after you are done look at the list and see all that was missed at the fault of no one person but you.

Fear is a state of mind that in no uncertain terms blocks you from reaching your full potential and the blessings that are in place for you to receive. Fear is as destructive as a black hole in space, it can and will suck all the life out of opportunities that exist for you for me, for you, for every person who lets it. 

As a man you have a lot of responsibility to perform in the bedroom to the boardroom. I will be the first to admit that being a man is indeed hard, not child bearing and child rearing hard, but it is indeed a close second. I know too many men including myself who became the victim of the pressure to perform and with that comes the fear of failure. Fear breeds doubt and questions like, What if I do not succeed? What if I am not good enough? Do I measure up? Do I have what it takes? When will it happen for me? Will I be the man that I want and need to be?

"Your thoughts and your feelings create your life!" - Lisa Nichols

I want you to write that quote down and repeat daily, I implore you to do so, trust me your life will depend on you creating a positive environment in your mind to counteract the spirit of fear that will try to engulf you. 

On a personal note, fear of failure, fear of being alone, fear of ridicule, fear of what people would think about me, fear of failure, fear of letting people down almost led to my demise, keyword, almost! How did I conquer the aforementioned list of personal fears? 

The answer came to me in a work seminar, in which we had to fill out a piece of paper on how the team could overcome any workplace obstacles. We filled out the 3 columns labeled Circumstance; Action; Result. After the meeting concluded and I had time to reflect and out of no where a light bulb went of in my mind that helped to overcome the entire list. Here is the formula: First I had to learn to embrace every bad and even every good circumstance that happened in my life as a teaching moment. I had to learn to ask the all important question, What lesson is the universe trying to teach me? Second I had to come up with a plan of action on how to overcome my personal fears that was holding me back from fulfilling my destiny. Third I had to make sure that my plan was sound. I had to make sure that my plan would yield tangible results. I had to make sure that my faith in God as well as my own ability to overcome my personal fears was more powerful than the fear that almost led to my demise. 

I am in no way saying what worked for me will work for you what I am saying is that it all starts with you acting, you going to God through prayer for direction, you being in a position to receive divine instructions from God and then implementing whatever solution that is presented to you.  Most of all believing in yourself.  I can tell you that it is never to late to get started, I am writing this blog because of the solution that was presented to me after God answered my prayers, you too can find your calling, you too and find what it is that is needed to fulfill your life, you too can find what it is that will complete you, all you have to do is know that God did not give his creation(YOU) a spirit of fear, God gave (YES YOU) a spirit of love, power and a sound mind!  


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