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Give Thanks To The New You!

There is an important lesson that everyone will have to learn. Bad things happen to very good people. Furthermore bad things will come! There will be a time in your life that you will find that you will be fighting for your very existence. There will be a time where you will question your very existence. There will be a time where you want to give up. There will be a time where you do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. There will be a time in your life when you question if there is a God. There will be a time when you ask the question: Why is this happening to me, God? There will be a time when you almost lose the faith. There will be a time when you wonder how much more can I take? There will be a time when you say to yourself: Why Bother?

You have to know that everything we go through has to be met with this thinking in our mind: What lesson is God trying to teach me? What is the purpose of this difficult time in my life? Will I come out on the other side of this trying time in my life a better person? The answer to the aforementioned questions is a resounding YES! A question was asked by my wife: What is God's Grace? Simply put, God will allow test and trials to come to each and every one us. If there were no bad times life, then why would we as human beings need a God to turn to for a way to cope with those hard times? If we are always in a good place and space in our lives then why would need faith and a reason to believe in a higher power than our own? Rest assure and know that God will bring you out! There is nothing that God cannot do for you, the abyss that you may be in right now can be quickly turned around  God will bless you, but you have to be in a position to be blessed. God's Grace is knowing that he is always there.

Knowing that God will never leave or forsake you. You can rest assured that in spite of all:

The Drama
The Stress
The Strife
The Job Losses
The Car Repossesions
The Foreclosures
The Bankruptcy's
The Death of Loved Ones
The Failed Businesses
The Lost Dreams
The Heartaches
The Heartbreaks
The Divorce's
The Bad Relationships
The Social Injustice's
The Denial Letter's
The Bad Prognosis From Doctor's
The Car Accident's
The Shut-Off Notice's 
The People That Hate On You
The People That Do Not Believe In You
The People That Abandon You
The Bad Choices
The False Accusations
Finally To The Devil Whose Sole Mission Is to Steal, Kill, and Destroy Everything Good In Your Life!

You can say to all the bad that has ever come your way, THANK YOU! You may say: Why would I give thanks for all the bad that has ever come my way? You will say THANK YOU because you will be a new person. You will say THANK YOU because the person will be: BOLDER, COURAGEOUS, DETERMINED, EMPOWERED, FOCUSED, STRONGER, TOUGHER, WISER! You will have everything on the inside of you to say to anything new that my try to test your resolve and say everything bad that has come my way has created a new ME. The old me is dead and buried and now I am able to rise to the occasion and thwart any obstacle that comes to tear me down. I now realize that my future is deep down inside of me and this is my time bring forth my destiny.


  1. Blessed post man! I found myself in a few places of your "in spite of it all" list! Praise God for mercy and grace! Speaking of, I've come to view His grace in this light: It is the goodness of God to empower us to do ALL He wants us to do and be ALL He wants us to be! In regard to your opening questions, we should also be asking God to help us endure for the person that will be blessed and encouraged by our victory. Everything we go through is always for the benefit of someone else! So we need to be encouraged even in the face of utter calamity!

    1. Nathan, thank you for your response. I find it so good to be in this space in my life to touch so many lives, I agree with all your viewpoints. When we are in the space of bad times in our life, I have found it so important to make sure that I do not turn my back on God as we all should know that when we let go and let God have his way in our lives, that he will bring us out. I as well as you should never have a shadow of any doubt that there is nothing impossible for God!


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