Think about your life. As a human being that has lived life past the teen age years and most certainly past your roaring 20's and into what I call the get real years of your 30's, you have in no uncertain terms experienced the ups and the downs of life. There is nothing in life that is guaranteed but that we all will be born and we will all die, that is it, that is all! What we do in between those two life events determine's how we will all be remembered by from all those individuals we call associates, business partners, coworkers, husbands, wives, mother and father, son's and daughter's.
You may be wondering if anyone knows you exist, or even God for that matter? The answer is all you have to do is surrender your life and all your problems to God. You have to say to God I do not understand why I am going through the tests of life, but God I know you do. I have come to understand this that God has a plan for you life that is beyond your finite understanding. You have to know that whatever life you have dreamed of, God has a bigger dream for your life than you could ever imagine. The key to living the life God wants for you is found by asking: God, What Would You Have Me Do?
You may be feeling like you are running out of time. Ask yourself these questions: What am I going to do with the time I have left? How am I going to re-position every aspect of my life? To answer both questions in the simplest of terms, it all starts with your thinking. Self Efficacy goes a long way into helping you hurdle the worst of times in your life by believing that you can do anything you put your mind to do. Second is your ability not to succumb to the urge to quit. You cannot quit on yourself most importantly your dream.
As you are reading this, you have to know that we are all running the same race. You and I are trying to reach the same finish line. You and I are trying to accomplish the same goals. You and I are trying to reach the same mountain top. The only thing that separates you from the next person is: How bad you want to win the race? How bad you want the best life possible? How bad you want to accomplish your individual goals? How bad you want to reach the pinnacle of success? Eric Thomas said it best if you want anything in life as bad as you want to breathe then it will be yours.
You have to know that everything that happens good or bad in your life is a result of the choices that we make. What I have found to be true is that with all that we ever want to achieve and become in our lives. All the riches and success that we want to achieve none of that is gifted to us. It All Comes Down To Working Hard To Get Everything You Want In Life! There will be no gift wrapped box filled with the dream cars and dream homes that we want in life. There will not be a genie in a bottle that we will find in a remote part of the individual cities we live in that we can rub and get the 3 most ideal wishes that we can dream up.
Finally I Leave You With This: Experience will purge any weakness and fear, you have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt you can get through anything. You Must Be Committed To Not Just Surviving But Overcoming Any Of Life's Trials!
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